Workshop | Rome: MATCHES 2022 – MAThematical CHallenges to and from new technologiES

Dove e quando

Rome, Italy – June 23-24th, 2022

speaker: Valentina Candiani
title: Quantitative imaging and radiomics: feasibility and challenges

abstract: Just after its introduction around ten years ago, radiomics was immediately considered an actual breakthrough for quantitative radiology in medical imaging. The rationale beneath radiomics relies on the assumption that quantitative information about morphological and functional descriptors can be computationally extracted in the early stage of the diagnostic process, from medical images. The availability of these quantitative information allows the search of correlation with tumor-related genomic information. These imaging features could be in principle used both as cheaper, early, surrogates of the genomic ones for prognostic purposes. From a mathematical view-point, there are very few studies about the robustness of the feature extraction procedure: in this talk we present some of the computational challenges that arise in the assessment of the reliability of radiomics features in medical imaging.

Ultimo aggiornamento 27 Marzo 2023