Summer School | Italy, Como: CSCE2023

Dove e quando

Como (Lombardy), Italy – May 23-26, 2023

Giorgia Biddau has been selected for attending the Como School on Cancer Evolution – CSCE 2023, which was held at the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies. This summer school is housed in Villa del Grumello, which is set in a park over Como lake. 

The meeting "brings together researchers from both dry- and wet-labs to explore the challenges posed by cancer as a an evolutionary disease. The School will allow the participants to gain expertise on state-of-the-art concepts, methods and applications from both cancer biology and computational sciences, especially data science and artificial intelligence, and to get a glimpse into the vision of pioneers in the field of cancer evolution. Participants are encouraged to present their work in two presentation sessions that will be held during the workshop." [source:]

Talk by Giorgia Biddau:

  • "Sensitivity analysis of chemical reaction networks modelling G1-S phase of physiological and mutated colorectal cells"


Ultimo aggiornamento 14 Giugno 2024