Dove e quando
Rome, Italy – Angelicum Centro Congressi
November 30th- December 1st 2023
The Third Annual Meeting of the RIN (Rete IRCCS di Neuroscienze e Neuroriabilitazione) will be in Rome this year, organized by the IRCCS San Raffaele. On this event, over six hundred researchers and healthcare experts will gather to explore and discuss studies on major neurological diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, neuro-oncology and more, all recognized as leading causes of global permanent disabilities. This poses a genuine concern for public health due to their exponential growth and substantial impact on national healthcare, social structures and economic systems. Hence, neuroscience emerges as a pivotal domain for research and treatment, addressing a key challenge in our progressively aging society: neurodegenerative diseases.
The MIDA group will take part in the congress with the talk “A data-driven model of disability progression in progressive multiple sclerosis” presented by Sara Garbarino and posters from Alessio Cirone and Laura Carini.
featured photo © Carlo Dani, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Aula Magna Angelicum