Dove e quando
Genoa, Italy – May 22nd-25th, 2023
The MIDA group organizes an international "Space Weather Week" at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genoa. During the week, two events will take place:
- Flare Forecasting Workshop (May 22-23, 2023), whose goal is to gather researchers from several countries involved in the field of solar flare forecasting. The participants will present and discuss the state-of-the-art of the projects they are working on and the key results of their research;
- team meeting of the "Active Region Classification And Flare Forecasting – ARCAFF", Horizon Europe project (May 24-25, 2023). The goal of the meeting is to assess the overall research plan and lay out the development of the project.

May 22-23, 2023 | Flare Forecasting Workshop
Flare forecasting from HMI data
Manolis Georgulis – Research Director at Academy of Athens
The EU FLARECAST Project: True Progress in Solar Flare Prediction, or a Shot in the Dark?
Shane Maloney – DIAS | School of Cosmic Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
ARCAFF: Early Insights
MIDA group:
Francesco Marchetti – UniPD | University of Padua
Optimized video-based flare forecasting via score-oriented losses
Sabrina Guastavino – UniGE | University of Genoa
Assessing operational flare forecasting through value-weighted skill scores
Michele Piana – UniGE | University of Genoa
Feature-based machine learning for flare forecasting in the framework of the H2020 FLARECAST project
Flare forecasting from AIA data
WKU | Western Kentucky University:
Gordon Emslie Thermodynamic and Morphological Precursors to Flares?
Jake Boils Temporal Synchronization of SDO/AIA data for the Identification of Pre-flare Features
Paolo Massa Solar Flare Nowcasting from multiwavelength SDO/AIA data
Gregoire Francisco – University of Tor Vergata, Rome
Leveraging AIA images to improve solar flares forecast and understanding
Prediction of CME travel time
MIDA group:
Valentina Candiani – UniGE | University of Genoa
Physics-driven machine learning for predicting CME’s travel time
Simone Chierichini / Gregoire Francisco – University for Tor Vergata, Rome
Modelling CME Arrival with Machine Learning
STIX data analysis and connections to space weather
MIDA group presentations on STIX imaging and developed methods:
Paolo Massa – WKU | Western Kentucky University
The STIX imaging concept
Anna Volpara – UniGE | Univesity of Genoa
Spatially resolved imaging spectroscopy with Solar Orbiter STIX
May 24-25, 2023 | ARCAFF Consortium Meeting
Active Region Classification And Flare Forecasting – ARCAFF
(HORIZON Europe ARCAFF Project, Grant No. 101082164)
The aim of ARCAFF is to develop a beyond state-of-the-art flare forecasting system utilising end-to-end deep neural networks to significantly improve upon current flare forecasting capabilities.
Link meeting online
If you want to attend remotely the Flare Forecasting workshop on May 22-23, you may use the following link:
Key objectives
- Active region classifications using magnetogram cutouts
- Active region localisation and classification using full disk magnetograms
- Point-in-time flare prediction using full disk magnetograms
- Point-in-time flare prediction using full disk multimodal observations
- Time series flare prediction based on time series of full disk multimodal observation