Where and when
Coimbra, Portugal – November 4-8, 2024

The ESWW is the key annual event in the European Space Weather and Space Climate calendar. This international meeting is organized each year in collaboration with leading members of the European space weather community. Initially a forum for Europe, it has evolved into a global event attracting participants from around the world. ~ https://esww2024.org/
The MIDA group is taking part in this conference with the active participation of Sabrina Guastavino, Francesco Marchetti, Edoardo Legnaro, Fabiana Camattari, Anna Maria Massone and Michele Piana.
Sabrina Guastavino and Francesco Marchetti are the main conveners of the parallel session "Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Space Weather and Space Climate" where
- Michele Piana is the invited speaker with the talk "Inverse problems and artificial intelligence for solar flare forecasting and modelling"
- Fabiana Camattari gives the talk "Machine Learning techniques to forecast geomagnetic disturbances and evaluate the most predictive physical parameters"
- Edoardo Legnaro presents the poster "Deep Learning Techniques for Sunspot Classification"
featured photo: © NASA/GSFC/SDO – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center