

The 2nd Metis Science Meeting is a workshop devoted to promote the scientific collaboration within the Metis mission and with other missions within Solar Orbiter. The aim is to foster informal discussions about potential collaborative efforts among these projects. Participants are invited to present scientific case studies that could gain from coordinated observations, particularly those leveraging advanced models, machine learning/AI approaches, and high-performance computing.

The National Group SWICO “Space Weather Italian Community”, established in 2014, promotes the study and observation of Space Weather by collaborating with academic, research, and industrial entities, and organizes the 3rd SWICo Congress in Rome. The MIDA group will take part at the Congress SWICO2024 with a talks held by Emma Perracchione, Michele Piana, Sabrina Guastavino and Francesco Marchetti.

The 4th Congress of the IRCCS Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Network (RIN) will take place in Genoa. This network fosters collaboration among Italian IRCCS centers to enhance research and public health impact. The MIDA group participates in the meeting with posters by Laura Carini, Alessio Cirone, Sara Garbarino, Chiara Razzetta, Margherita Squillario and Michele Piana will serve as the coordinator of the RoundTable.

The ESWW is the key annual event in the European Space Weather and Space Climate calendar. Initially a forum for Europe, it has evolved into a global event attracting participants from around the world. The MIDA group is taking part in this conference with the active participation of Sabrina Guastavino, Francesco Marchetti, Edoardo Legnaro, Fabiana Camattari, Anna Maria Massone and Michele Piana.

EUI-STIX Meeting 2024 in Windisch will bring together experts working on STIX data analysis. Key results from Solar Orbiter’s Spring 2024 Flare Campaign will be featured. The MIDA group participate in the meeting with talks by Michele Piana, Paolo Massa (talk and poster), Barbara Palumbo and Anna Volpara.

The NLACIRM24 meeting gathers experts and researchers in Numerical Linear Algebra to discuss new algorithms, revive old methods, and promote international collaboration. The MIDA group will participate with an invited talk by Isabella Furci.

MATCHES aims to promote collaborations between researchers working in applied math and computer science, and start-ups and high-tech SMEs. The MIDA group will participate in the workshop with a talk by Sabrina Guastavino and Emma Perracchione, and Michele Piana will serve as the coordinator of the RoundTable.

The MIDA group will take part at the 9ECM in the mini-symposium “Mathematical Methods for Biological Problems”, organized by Prof. Ana Carpio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), with a talk held by Silvia Berra.

COSPAR 2024 is the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research, hosted by Busan (South Korea). This is the world's largest academic conference focused on astronomy, organized by the International Science Council. The MIDA group will participate with an invited talk by Sabrina Guastavino.

Two MIDA people will present their results concerned with systems biology when applied to the modelling of cancer with two oral presentations at the KSMB-SMB 2024. Specifically: Silvia Berra and Giorgia Biddau will talk.

The objective of this meeting is to offer attendees a space for sharing their latest findings, staying abreast of emerging trends, and nurturing meaningful connections beyond the AIxtreme project. Among the other participants is the MIDA group.

AIAI 2024 is a workshop organized by members of the National Group for Scientific Computing (GNCS), associated with both the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro". The MIDA group will take part at the workshop with a talk, titled "Integrating data-driven and human-driven insights in generative disease progression modeling" by Sara Garbarino.

"Data and physics driven (kernel) machine learning: Applications to solar physics and space weather" – teachers: Sabrina Guastavino and Emma Perracchione, affiliations: DIMA | Dipartimento di Matematica of the Università di Genova, DISMA | Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche of the Politecnico di Torino.

The NES – NeuroEngineering School Massimo Grattarola is a biennial summer school serves as a hub for experts, students, and young researchers, fostering collaboration and innovation in the field. The MIDA group participates in the summer school with Laura Carini, Bharath K. Giriskumar and Lorenzo Sacchi.

The MIDA group will take part at the IWBI‐2024 – 17th International Workshop on Breast Imaging with a poster and a conference paper “A study on the role of radiomics feature stability in predicting breast cancer subtypes” by Isabella Cama.


The ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2024 – 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS is a scientific organization that unites European associations dedicated to advancing and applying computational methods in applied sciences and technology. Its mission is to foster collaborative efforts among universities, research institutions, and European industries engaged in the extensive field of numerical methods and computer simulations in engineering and applied sciences.

These STIX meetings gather scientists who are engaged in analyzing STIX data. The event is open to all members of the Solar Orbiter community. The MIDA group participated in the meeting with talks by Barbara Palumbo and Anna Volpara.


Michele Piana (MIDA) is invited speaker at "Bridging Knowledge - Artificial Intelligence", an event with the aim to setup interdisciplinary networks fostering space applications of interest for ASI, with his speech "Machine learning for space weather: bridging knowledge from physics to technology”

The MIDA group will take part at the conference – ATRASC 2024 | 4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting – with two invited talks by Sabrina Guastavino.

We celebrate the 25th birthday of the MIDA group with a day of lectures: • in the morning an outreach lecture for all students and anyone who wants to learn about the group • in the afternoon a workshop with 3 seminars.

Michele Piana (MIDA, LISCOMP) is invited speaker at AI4H, an international forum about the digital innovations that are revolutionising the present and future of healthcare.

The state-of-the-art of NeuroArt P3, a 'Programma di Rete' funded by the Italian Ministero della Salute will be discussed in Genoa during a one-day meeting. Under the coordination of Sara Garbarino, people working at the Life Science Computational (LISCOMP) lab will describe MIDA contribution to NeuroArtP3.

The third Annual Meeting of the RIN – "Rete IRCCS di Neuroscienze e Neuroriabilitazione" will be in Rome this year, organized by the IRCCS San Raffaele. The MIDA group will take part in the congress with the talk “A data-driven model of disability progression in progressive multiple sclerosis” presented by Sara Garbarino and posters from Alessio Cirone and Laura Carini.

The team from the MIDA group dedicated to Solar Space Weather is participating in the "Festival della Scienza" in Genoa with the project AIxtreme "L’Intelligenza Artificiale al servizio di previsioni di eventi estremi nel sistema Sole-Terra" by Francesca Giannoni, Sabrina Guastavino, Anna Maria Massone, Andrea Mazzino and Roberto Susino.

During the "UNIGHT – Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori 2023" two young researchers of the MIDA group, Fabiana and Katsiaryna, will travel through different applications of Mathematics.

The "International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics" (ICIAM) is a global gathering dedicated to researchers, academics, scholars, professionals and experts in the field of applied mathematics and various related sectors. The 10th edition takes place in Tokyo. The MIDA group is taking part in this meeting with the active participation of Federico Benvenuto, Valentina Candiani and Chiara Razzetta whit some talks.

SMB 2023 – Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting 2023. Celebrating SMB's 50th Anniversary at The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) – The MIDA group will take part in the conference, in the Methods for Biological Modeling Subgroup (MFBM) – with the talk "Drug dosage in cancer: a mathematical approach for computing steady states of chemical reaction networks" presented by Silvia Berra.

The SPHERE | Solar Physics High Energy Research workshop was held at the UMD | University of Maryland in College Park, MD. The MIDA group present at the workshop is made up of Michele Piana, Anna Maria Massone and Anna Volpara. During this trip, the same members of the MIDA group took part in a meeting at the WKU | Western Kentucky University, for a research visit to esteemed colleagues dr Paolo Massa and prof Gordon Emslie.

The 2023 Artimino Conference on Medical Ultrasound Technology is the 21st in a series of biennial conferences on the physics, bioengineering, and clinical applications of ultrasound. The MIDA group will take part in the conference with the talk "Stochastic approach for automatic optimisation of acquisition parameters for Point Spread Function enhancement" presented by Chiara Razzetta.

The MIDA group organizes an international "Space Weather Week" at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Genoa. During the week, two events will take place: 1) Flare Forecasting Workshop (May 22-23, 2023), whose goal is to gather researchers from several countries involved in the field of solar flare forecasting; 2) team meeting of the "Active Region Classification And Flare Forecasting – ARCAFF", Horizon Europe project (May 24-25, 2023). The goal of the meeting is to assess the overall research plan and lay out the development of the project.

The EGU23 Assembly brings together geoscientists from around the world, especially early-career researchers, in a forum that provides an opportunity to present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of space weather and geoscience in general. The MIDA group will take part in this assembly with two posters, presented by Michele Piana and Anna Volpara, and a talk by Sabrina Guastavino.

The MCH23 Conference is an hybrid interdisciplinary workshop focused on applications of Computer Vision and Machine / Deep Learning techniques to heliophysics research and forecasting frameworks. The MIDA group will take part in the conference with an invited talk by Michele Piana.

The 20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging will be held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. ISBI 2023, organized jointly by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. The MIDA group will take part in the conference with two posters presented by Isabella Cama and Valentina Candiani.

STIX colocation meeting (Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays) with exponents from STIX community (France, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy). The MIDA group will take part in the conference with two talks by Anna Volpara and Paolo Massa.

The SIAM-CSE conference hosts technical discussions on a wide variety of major computational efforts on large-scale problems in science and engineering to promote the training of the next generation of computational scientists. The MIDA group will take part in it with two talks by Sabrina Guastavino and Francesco Marchetti, a seminar by Emma Perracchione and a poster by Chiara Razzetta.

6th IM-AASI is an international mathematics workshop whose goal is to bring together researchers in Applied Approximation with a focus on the mathematical aspects of signal and image processing – The MIDA group will participate in the workshop with two talks by Francesco Marchetti and Michele Piana.

The DSABNS 2023, in Bilbao (Spain), is a well established International Scientific event that covers research topics in scientific areas such as population dynamics, eco-epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, molecular and antigenic evolution and methodological topics in the natural sciences and mathematics. The MIDA group will take part in the conference with a poster presented by Giorgia Biddau.

ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana - organizes "Science with current and future solar physics missions", a workshop that will take place in Rome at its headquarters. The MIDA Group will take part in the workshop with the following two talks by Michele Piana and Anna Volpara.

Within the project RES2NIGHT, the DIMA | Dipartimento di Matematica of Università di Genova presents the conference "IL METODO DELLA RICERCA NELLE TRADIZIONI DELLE SCIENZE SOCIALI" held by Realino Marra, professor of Università di Genova | Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza.

"LA TERAPIA GENICA IN ONCOEMATOLOGIA, il futuro è ora" conference held by prof. Franco Locatelli, introduced by prof. Francesco Frassoni.

"IL SOLE DALLO SPAZIO: DA SKYLAB AL SOLAR ORBITER" lesson held by Ester Antonucci and will be introduced by Silvia Rosa-Brusin with "L’Universo in un Tg: come raccontare, e spiegare, astronomia e imprese spaziali - Il 'caso Leonardo' 30 anni di scienza in diretta".

ESWW is the most important annual meeting in the European Space Weather and Space Climate calendar. The MIDA group will take part in it with two oral presentations by Sabrina Guastavino and Michele Piana and a poster by Valentina Candiani.

50° Congresso Nazionale SIRM (Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e Interventistica) – "NEL PRESENTE IL FUTURO. La Radiologia: dalla diagnosi alla terapia. Conoscenza e competenza" – is an Italian national congress to be held in the "Rome Convention Center - La Nuvola". MIDA will take part at session "Cybersecurity in diagnostica per immagini" with the oral presentation "Prevenire è meglio che curare" by Cristina Campi.

GIMC SIMAI YOUNG WORKSHOP involves young scientists in the field of applied math. The MIDA Group will partecipate with Sabrina Guastavino, Sara Sommariva, Isabella Cama, Valentina Candiani and Chiara Razzetta.

The Second Conference of Young Applied Mathematicians targets Master’s students, PhD students and first year's Postdocs. The MIDA will take part in the conference with the following four twenty-minute talks by Isabella Cama, Valentina Candiani, Silvia Berra and Elisabetta Vallarino.

XXX Congresso Nazionale SIPF (Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive) is an annual congress on neurosciences organized by SIPF. MIDA will take part at it with the oral presentation by Sara Sommariva.

Solar Orbiter 8 Workshop is the first opportunity for the community to present results and discuss scientific observations from Solar Orbiter’s entire suite of instruments since launch. MIDA will take part with two posters presented by Michele Piana.

"The BIOMAG meeting is a biennial international conference with a focus on biomagnetism". MIDA will take part at the conference #BIOMAG2022 with two posters by Elisabetta Vallarino.

The 44th COSPAR scientific assembly will internationally promote space research with emphasis on the exchange of results, information, and opinions. – MIDA will take part to this event with two oral presentations by Sara Sommariva and Michele Piana.

SPHERE 2022: Solar Physics High Energy Research – MIDA will take part at the workshop with two oral presentations by Anna Volpara and Sabrina Guastavino.

speaker: Sara Garbarino - title: Mechanistic disease progression modelling – abstract: Mechanistic modelling offers a way to investigate the biological mechanisms that lead to the development and escalation of neurodegenerative disorders.

MATCHES aims at fostering, promoting and strengthening collaborations and interactions between researchers working in the field of applied mathematics and computer science, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Valentina Candiani is the invited speaker of MIDA group.

MPDEE 2022 – MIDA will take part at the Conference with the talk, titled "Chemical Reaction Networks for modelling cell-signaling dynamics in cancer cells: steady state computation and sensitivity analysis" by Silvia Berra.

The IPMS conference series is one of the main scientific meetings of the inverse problems field. MIDA will take part at it with the oral presentation by Elisabetta Vallarino and Valentina Candiani.

This workshop addresses the full range of ESA space weather activities, from development to pre-operational service. MIDA has been invited there with Michele Piana.