Meeting | Paris: STIX Meeting 2024

Dove e quando

Paris, France 
June 3-6, 2024

These STIX meetings gather scientists who are engaged in analyzing STIX data. The event is open to all members of the Solar Orbiter community. While certain sessions will primarily concentrate on STIX instrumentation and data analysis, other sessions will focus on collaborative observations involving other Solar Orbiter instruments (such as RPW, EUI, SPICE...) and ground-based equipment, as well as discussions on relevant models and theories.

The MIDA group participated in the meeting with talks by Barbara Palumbo and Anna Volpara:

  • Barbara Palumbo "3D flare reconstruction from STIX and HXI data: a simulation study"
  • Anna Volpara "A new approach for STIX regularized imaging-spectroscopy"


Ultimo aggiornamento 6 Giugno 2024