Where and when
Genoa, Italy – May 10th, 2023
speaker: Frank Filbir
affiliation: Helmholtz Center Munich & Technische Universität München
date: May 10th 2023, 2:30 pm (italian time)
venue: Genoa (Italy), Polo Valletta Puggia – Università di Genova: DIBRIS-DIMA (aula 508) and Google Meet
Can one see the sound of light? Mathematics of Photoacoustic Tomography
abstract: Photoacoustic tomography is an imaging modality based on the generation of sound waves within a biological tissue. Unlike in ultrasound imaging the sound waves are generated by light, which allows to have images with better contrast. The generated signal is recorded by transducers placed on a surface around the object and the task consists in the reconstruction of the object from these boundary signals. In this talk we will present some background on the mathematical model and we will discuss numerical algorithms for the reconstruction problem. The talk is based on joined work with Markus Ansorg † (Institute of Theoretical Physics, U. Jena), Wally Madych (Department of Math., U. of Connecticut, USA), and Stefan Kunis (Department of Mathematics, U. of Osnabrück).
The talk is dedicated to my dear friend Marcus Ansorg who passed away too early.
featured photo: Image by kjpargeter on Freepik